Bitcoin price reached $ 3550 and renewed its all-time high. The weighted average price of bitcoin on world exchanges today reached $ 3550, according to the CoinDesk bitcoin price index. Thus, the leading cryptocurrency has renewed its all-time high.

Bitcoin price reached $ 3550 and renewed its all-time high. The weighted average price of bitcoin on world exchanges today reached $ 3550, according to the CoinDesk bitcoin price index. Thus, the leading cryptocurrency has renewed its all-time high.

Bitcoin rate reached $ 3550 and renewed its all-time high

The weighted average price of bitcoin on global exchanges today reached $ 3,550, according to the CoinDesk bitcoin price index. Thus, the leading cryptocurrency has updated historical maximum.

This achievement coincided with a tangible improvement in public attitudes towards Bitcoin. Goldman Sachs recently published a Q&A report advising its clients to take a closer look at cryptocurrencies..

Bitcoin is currently trading at $ 3,531 per unit. A month ago, 1 BTC was worth $ 2423. Explosive growth began after the split blockchain bitcoin, which resulted in the emergence of a new cryptocurrency Bitcoin Cash. Many Bitcoin users and social media commentators expected this phenomenon to negatively impact the BTC price. However, as we can see, Bitcoin did not suffer as a result of the split, and the long-awaited activation of SegWit in its network instilled confidence in investors..

It is worth noting that Bitcoin grew by about 25% over the week, while BCH gained only 17%. It is definitely worth watching the movement of these cryptocurrencies relative to each other, because the success of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash could change attitudes towards blockchain forks in the future and become an illustration of how the markets react to fundamental technical changes..
Bitcoin price reached $ 3550 and renewed its all-time high. The weighted average price of bitcoin on world exchanges today reached $ 3550, according to the CoinDesk bitcoin price index. Thus, the leading cryptocurrency has renewed its all-time high.

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